Yesterday, immigration announced about the new visa status for newly grads from university in Japan who are willing to start business. It is designated activity visa, Tokuteikatsudou to set up the business for 2 years with 28 hours work permit.
The announcement is currently only in Japanese. Our office will make English translation after long weekends if they don’t release English version.
Now, let me explain it briefly.
The visa is for students who is going to graduate from university in Japan and are planning to set up own business. But not all university. It should be on the list of “facilitating foreign students’ job hunting program “ by Ministry of Education and Technology.
And you need to get a recommendation letter from your university.
Well, if you are studying at university now, you might be able to read the announcement below by yourself. Please try to read it. Otherwise, wait for English translation.
By the way, we receive many inquiries about business visa. Especially from students. I suppose many of you think doing own business is much easier than getting a job offer for suitable job to working visa status. Actually it is NOT. Getting a business visa, starting and managing own business is much harder than being hired.
In order to apply business visa, there are 2 main important matters.
1. You need to invest 5,000,000 yen. You can borrow the money but money route has to be explained clearly with showing evidence. And lender has to prove that he is capable to lend such money. It should be real money that you could use your business. It should not be showing money.
2. You need to have clear and realistic business plan. Once you start business, you cannot work outside. There is no way for you to get money without your business. So you need to prove your business is profitable. You need to explain how much you expect for daily/monthly/yearly sales and expenses.
When I receive a call or message about business visa, I always ask at first if he has clear business plan. If he cannot explain, I say to him to contact me again after you have clear business plan.
Please do not take it easy to manage business. Especially under this corona situation, many companies/shops/restaurants are closing everyday. I myself am business man who is running own office and hiring several staffs. Business is not easy and simple.