visa · 06日 6月 2021
Today, let me explain about "Designated Activity Visa" Tokuteikatsudou visa. I guess many of you are holding this visa and some of you might think it is the particular visa only for your situation. But actually it is not. Designated activity visa is for various situations and each one has different status. Roughly, it is divided into 2 types at first. The one is designated activity visas that are listed up, which is called "kokujinai" in Japanese word. The other one is designated activity visas...
visa · 08日 5月 2021
I am very impressed that this post is the last one from WATABE office. On May 6th, my office will be transferred to Legal Support Group BEYOND as a company. We chose the name, BEYOND, with our ambition that we want to support many people to step forward beyond himself and various issues or to view the new world beyond the gate. Reviewing back to the past 5 years at WATABE office, what we have commit is: 1. Supported nearly 1400 applications 2. Got approved PR for more than 300(roughly) 3. Got...
visa · 18日 4月 2021
The number of infected people is rising and it is said that Governor of Osaka is considering state of Emergency. Well, it is domestic matter in Japan. But unless the domestic situation improves, Japanese government cannot think about relaxing the border restriction. Today, I have some announcement from WATABE office. Our office is going to be transferred to “Legal Support Group BEYOND” by the end of May. The current office is private own by myself while BEYOND is a company owned by 3...
visa · 14日 3月 2021
Ministry of Justice and Immigration Agency are trying to reform the part of Japanese Immigration law and system now. It is in the middle of their way. Accordingly, they have just revised the forms of visa application. Many of our followers prepare the application documents by yourselves. So you had better aware of changes and get ready in advance. Today, I will explain about the main changes on the forms. 1. On the first page, there is a question about the criminal record. The phrase “...
visa · 13日 3月 2021
The immigration has made changes to the visa application forms. For more information, read the page below. Tips: Changes in visa application forms (as of 13 March 2021)
visa · 21日 2月 2021
A few days ago, I mentioned how important to know the reason of disapproval for the reapplication is. Without knowing it, your reapplication would be meaningless no matter what application it is.   However sometimes you cannot get it anymore like when you already went there to ask but you didn't understand what the officer said. If so another option is get application documents from Immigration. You cannot request it at the general counter you apply visa. You need to go to special section for...
visa · 07日 2月 2021
Recently, we have been receiving several inquiries about tax refund because Kakuteishinkoku season is coming soon. Tax is beyond my specialty and I cannot provide specific advice for this matter. But since it is very important issue for foreign residents in Japan, I will explain general idea about it today.   Many foreign residents believe kakuteishinkoku is only for tax refund. But actually it is not. It is basically for declaring total income in the last year to pay income tax properly.  ...
visa · 24日 1月 2021
I received good news from one of our clients yesterday. This is upgrading case. Have you ever heard the word ‘upgrading Koseki’?  Koseki is the family registry for all Japanese. Any Japanese citizen has own Koseki. Minor and single are together with a parent. Upgrading can be done according to the old Koseki law before 1985. Let me explain more now. Old Koseki law states: Any child whose legal father is Japanese gets Japanese citizenship by birth without birth registration. Before and...
visa · 17日 1月 2021
I am on my way to office now. My task today is 4 video consultations and writing Riyusho, reason statement, for 4 applications. Riyusho is one of important documents for many applications. Why? I will explain it here today.   I said important for many applications not all. If your situation is steady and nothing changes happened after the last extension and what you want us just extension, you don’t need to submit Riyusho.   Visa application at immigration is generally proceeded only by...
visa · 03日 1月 2021
The first post in 2021. How are you having new year’s holidays? While some one enjoy spending holidays with family and friends, I guess some are feeling lonely and depressed being separated from family and dearest partner. I hope by the end of this year everything would be back to normal at the latest.   Today, I would like to share my resolution in the new year. “ back to the basics”   In the last year, due to corona, Ministry of Justice(Immigration) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs...
